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Parts from
Brigadier General Robert F. Travis's B-29.
B/N Gene and the tree he hit in 1973 with his A6 Intruder
A6 Intruder parts from the 1973 Steamboat Oregon Crash
A6 speed brake Steamboat Oregon.
The Cockpit of the Christmas Valley A6. Crashed 1973. Pilot and B/N died.
The stick and flight computer from the Christmas Valley Oregon A6.
An A6 Intruder that crashed in 1973 near Christmas Valley Oregon.
Trees chopped by an A6 1973
A6 Engine Steamboat Oregon 1973
The 1st DC9 to crash is up by Mount Hood Oregon. Found it on 10-26-10!
West Coast Airlines Flight 956 N9101
Crashed Oct 1, 1966
E-mail for more information.
Part of the 1963 F102 Delta Dagger crash near Cloverdale Oregon. Capt. Jimmey Phipps ejected safely and was picked up by a crew of loggers.

A6 Engine Steamboat 1973.
A6 Part Steamboat 1973